Building a Collaborative Nonprofit Board Team

Large nonprofit organizations are more actively using technology, trying to keep up with the times, using technical means for communication within the company, and tools for collaboration. This article will consider building a nonprofit board team in board software. 

The evolution of the board of directors of a nonprofit organization

The specificity of organizations (NPOs) is an intermediate position between commercial companies and public organizations. On the one hand, NPOs are forced to seek funding and develop an effective organizational structure; on the other hand, they work with socially significant problems and are communicators of civil society problems in certain areas. The board of directors is an integral part of such an organization. The nonprofit board defines the organization’s goals and raises funds to achieve them.

The main role and function of the board members are to be flexible in resolving new issues and problems of the organization. Therefore, while the NPO organization goes through different stages of development, the board must go through the same stages in its development.

The fundamental difference in responsibility between the director of a commercial firm and a nonprofit organization is that the director of a nonprofit organization must act in such a way that the income from internal and external operations is sufficient to support the organization’s life. The importance of his role is that he must convince his organization pursues philanthropic goals.

Board software: how to organize board collaboration in NPO?

The board management software has extensive functionality for organizing joint work of collegiate bodies and, at the same time, offers convenient and secure access to confidential information, regardless of the location of the participants. The software has a huge potential for development and can be used both as a working area of ​​the head, and as an area for holding and archiving the materials of the board meetings. The decision has already become integral to the preparation and holding of all meetings of the board of directors and committees of modern NPO companies.

The board software is designed to optimize companies’ day-to-day and strategic management. The system, which is fully comparable with advanced versions of iOS and Android tablet computers, helps the boards of directors and top managers to collect and analyze the opinions of colleagues and subordinates, discuss and agree on documents, and appoint performers for one or another front of work and track the completion of the task. In addition, the system automates the main stages of the NPO board of directors and committees, such as planning, preparation, holding meetings, and control over the execution of decisions.

The software ensures the following functions that can simplify the organization of the NPO board meetings:

  • the ability to joint work with electronic images of documents directly from the interface of the corporate information system;
  • the ability to quickly and conveniently search for any information in the repository, it is also possible to perform a full-text search through the content of files attached to the cards;
  • forms of automatic generation of reports under the requirements of the user;
  • the technology of mass input of documents using bar-coding;
  • voting system;
  • storage of an unlimited number of different format files organized following the required hierarchy;
  • a single entry point for access to all documents under the company’s security policy;
  • built-in analytics to identify critical discussion points and automatically assign actions to participants.
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